Watch LaterAdded EnglishInvestigative ReportsVideos Sudanese contend with high prices via economic reforms Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago 21 July 2021 As Sudanese celebrate Eid this week – a faltering economy will likely curb celebrations. Sudan’s government has attempt...
EnglishInvestigative ReportsUncategorized Sudan’s Paris Summit: great long term benefits, terrible short term detriments Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago 25 May 2021 Last week’s Paris Summit has paved the way to ease Sudan’s foreboding foreign debt and opened channels for investment, p...
EnglishInvestigative ReportsUncategorized Sudan’s Government gambles over fuel cuts and people pay the price Ayin Network4 years ago 14 November 2020 “The cost of living is gradually becoming more unbearable; all prices had doubled now for everything with the poun...
EnglishInvestigative Reports Tensions run deep over economic conference recommendations Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago 30 September 2020 “I do not agree!” shouted members of the Resistance Committee amid tensions at the National Economic Conference in...