Watch LaterAdded EnglishInvestigative ReportsVideos Cabinet and eastern protesters exchange accusations amid east crisis escalation Ayin Network3 years ago3 years ago 6 October 2021 Vital stocks of medicine, fuel, wheat, among other items are dwindling as protests, now over two weeks, continue in e...
Investigative Reports State Governors denied – challenges in new appointments Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago 7 September 2020 As of last week, life in Kassala, eastern Sudan, appears to slowly return to normal after a curfew was lifted and s...
Investigative Reports Another pandemic: Rising domestic violence under quarantine in Sudan Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago The pandemic has caused all countries to direct citizens to stay home to protect themselves and others, yet for domestic violence vi...
Investigative Reports The picture of the revolution Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago The Sudanese young revolutionist, secondary school student Mohamed Youssif, was like many across the country who were angry at the...
Investigative Reports Sudan authorities support while affected communities fear Africa’s largest dam Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago Sudanese and Ethiopian authorities appear steadfast in their commitment to seeing the Renaissance Dam, touted to be the largest hydr...
Investigative Reports Death of a defence minister, peace talks on hold Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago Peace talks in Juba are now suspended for 10 days after the sudden and unexpected death of former defence minister, General Jamal Om...
Investigative Reports No clear road ahead in Sudan’s bid to be removed from US terrorist list Ayin Network5 years ago4 years ago Prime Minister Hamdok returned from a trip to the United States this week in a diplomatic bid to urge the country to lift Sudan from...
Watch LaterAdded EnglishVideos Rape continues unabated in Darfur under the new government Ayin Network5 years ago4 years ago They had done it before. The area was only minutes walking distance from the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in North Darfu...
Investigative Reports Sudan’s press, from repressed to self-repressed Ayin Network5 years ago4 years ago Sudan’s press is undergoing several reforms in a spirit of increasing openness under the new administration, but the vestiges of a p...
Watch LaterAdded EnglishVideos A blind musician’s vision for the future Ayin Network5 years ago4 years ago His lack of sight since birth has never prevented Mohamed Hassan from having vision and dreams for the future. Just like his father,...