With Sudan at an unsettling crossroads, Ayin’s mission is to increase the participation of the Sudanese public in the future of the country through access to reliable, high quality news and information in the form of films, in-depth journalism, and social media content
“السيانيد يثير الغضب”.. احتجاجات شمالي السودان تغلق طريقاً حيوياً
31 يوليو 2022 دخل اعتصام مواطني بلدة السليمانية بولاية نهر النيل شمالي السودان يومه الرابع مع استمرار إغلاق الطريق القومي الرابط بين...
With Sudan at an unsettling crossroads, Ayin’s mission is to increase the participation of the Sudanese public in the future of the country through access to reliable, high quality news and information in the form of films, in-depth journalism, and social media content