EnglishInvestigative Reports Sudan Conflict Monitor #10 Ayin Network7 months ago 17 February 2023 The Sudan Conflict Monitor is a rapid response to the expanding war in Sudan written through a peace-building, huma...
EnglishInvestigative Reports Sudan: A year of defiance Ayin Network2 years ago2 years ago For over a year now, Sudanese people have endured life under a military coup that stripped the country of a potential transition to...
Watch LaterAdded EnglishVideos Sudan remembers 3 June 2019 Ayin Network2 years ago2 years ago 8 June 2022 Last Friday, marked the third anniversary of the 3 June 2019 “Ramadan Massacre” where security forces killed over 100 pe...
Investigative Reports Prospects and confusion over Sudan and Israel relations Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago 22 August 2020 In October 2012, former president Omar al-Bashir referred to Israel as the “Zionist enemy that will remain the enemy...
Investigative Reports Another pandemic: Rising domestic violence under quarantine in Sudan Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago The pandemic has caused all countries to direct citizens to stay home to protect themselves and others, yet for domestic violence vi...
Investigative Reports Sudan authorities support while affected communities fear Africa’s largest dam Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago Sudanese and Ethiopian authorities appear steadfast in their commitment to seeing the Renaissance Dam, touted to be the largest hydr...
Investigative Reports Death of a defence minister, peace talks on hold Ayin Network4 years ago4 years ago Peace talks in Juba are now suspended for 10 days after the sudden and unexpected death of former defence minister, General Jamal Om...
EnglishInvestigative Reports Elusive peace, justice: Sudan’s path to peace maybe longer Ayin Network5 years ago4 years ago Efforts to achieve peace with rebel factions and deliver former president Omar Al-Bashir for international justice appears less fort...
Investigative Reports No clear road ahead in Sudan’s bid to be removed from US terrorist list Ayin Network5 years ago4 years ago Prime Minister Hamdok returned from a trip to the United States this week in a diplomatic bid to urge the country to lift Sudan from...
Watch LaterAdded EnglishVideos Rape continues unabated in Darfur under the new government Ayin Network5 years ago4 years ago They had done it before. The area was only minutes walking distance from the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in North Darfu...